Hair dye damages the liver

Some of woman dyes at home and someone applies for the help to experts. However, you should know about recent discovery of the scientists from Great Britain regardless of hair dye, which you use.

After long-term observations in which tens of women-volunteers took part, it has been established, that usage of hair-dye can lead to liver cirrhosis. Harmful substances contained in dyes influence harmful on the liver. By the way these substances were not defined in this message, however, their presence in all modern dyes was scientifically substantiated.

Thus, scientists declared that if a woman dyes every month and during more than 5th years, she seriously risks health of the liver.

Tykveol is recommended for treatment and prophylaxis of the above mentioned liver affections because of the unique chemical  composition of Tykveol and its recovering, anti-inflammatory, antitoxic effect on the digestive system and on the liver.

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