15-th inter-regional exhibition "Medicine in our life. Ural stomatology. Optics-2011"

From March 15 till March 17th, 2011 the fifteenth inter-regional exhibition "Medicine in our life. Ural stomatology. Optics-2011" has passed in the sporting-and-training complex “UralGUFK” in Chelyabinsk. Organizers of the exhibition were: Ministry of Health of the Chelyabinsk area; Governance of public health services of administration of Chelyabinsk; National institute of informatics, analysis and marketing in the field of stomatology (NIIAMS), ООО "Association of stomatologists"; the exhibition center "East gate".

Association of stomatologists ООО; the exhibition center "East gate".

Europa-Biofarm ZAO NPO  has been awarded with the diploma for active participation in the exhibition and for high level of the presented exposition.

Medicine in our life.

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